What is the hitfile.net?
hitfile.net is a free net space where you may upload your files, store them, share your files with your friends by providing them links to your files, and download your friend\’s files using their links.
What file size may be uploaded?
For registered users, the maximum file size is 100 Gb. (from browser only up to 4Gb).
Maximum uploading file size for Premium users is 100 Gb. (From browser only up to 4Gb).
What does Premium access mean?
This is advanced servises of our file sharing service, such as increased download speed, an upload resume after re-connection, direct link download, extended storage time, and other advantages.
What download speed do I have becoming a Premium user?
Download speed for Premium users is about 1GB per second, in case your connection allows it.
How much may I download from hitfile.net?
The total size of downloads is restricted by your provider’s settings and your user status on hitfile.net. If you are a free user, you may download about 5 GB a day if downloading continually, but note that free account speed is limited.
All users who have Premium access may enjoy the maximum download speed possible and download up to 40 GB a day.
What download software may I use for downloads?
You may use any popular program, such as Speedget, Download Accelerator Plus, GetRight, FlashGet and GoZilla, as well as Google File Download Manager and other download managers.